Monday, October 18, 2010

Pumpkins in the Park 2010

Saturday Issabella, Casi, Lisa, Logan, and I did the 11th annual Pumpkins in the Park in Chicago. We had a great time and Issabella and Logan dressed up. Issabella was a peacock and Logan was a monkey! Everyone commented on how cute the were. I think they were cute too.

They were very interested in the leaves and pumpkins.

When I got done walking Lisa had already finished because she ran. She said she had to stop and change a diaper and I told her I stopped becasue I had to feed Issabella. Boy have times changed from when we ran our other races....but it is oh so good.

Issabella telling me..."Mom, please stop taking my picture and unsquish my face!"



Anonymous said...

I love the kids costumes!!

Austin said...

what a pretty peacock!!!

Kelly H said...

Those are the cutest pictures!! Love that little monkey and the peacock costume is adorable. I can't wait to see Issabella Friday......I need my Bella fix :)