Issabella got a Little Tykes Cozy Coupe from her Uncle Caleb, Aunt Gusta, and Ryker. Seth and I put it together Sunday. It took the two of us and a bar of soap. Issabella played in the car all day Sunday. Today I pushed her around the yard, back into the woods, and down the street for about 45 minutes. She just sat in the car talking to me and looking out into the fields.

Since we are talking about Little is a picture of Issabella playing with the Little Tykes playhouse that Casi and I played with when we were little. I am so lucky that my dad saved it and now Issabella gets to play with it.

Wherever Issabella is Chubs shall follow...that is him laying in the background.
Are her cute little shoes squeaking yet?
Oh Cami, just wait until she can "drive" it on her own!! My Isabella got one for her 2nd birthday and she LOVES it!! It's so funny to watch her drive all over the driveway in it! Now we even have to drive it around the block!! Have fun!
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