Sunday, August 22, 2010

Relaxing Sunday

The weather today was wonderful. It was only around 75 degrees and breezy. Issabella and I spent a lazy day together while Seth was at work. I really should say Issabella had a lazy day...she slept til 10:30. She only got up at 6:30 to eat and then went back to bed. Here are a few pictures from our day together...

This is Issabella's new hobby...playing with her feet.

Well Hello...

It took Chubs a few minutes to figure out how to get to his food bowl. He kept looking at the blanket and then at Issabella...he finally put one paw on it and took a chance. She watched him eat his whole bowl of food.

I love these snuggle times!



Corey said...
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Corey said...

Pretty soon, every Sunday will be lazy least for me. Only a couple more weeks until opening kick off. I can't believe it was 75 degrees there! It's 9:30 and just now 75 here. I can't wait for fall!

Austin said...

Okay first of all...I miss her sweet lil face...sencond I love love love the polka dot diaper (maybe you could pass those down one day a long long time from now haha) third...the snuggle pic is precious! love ya

Brook said...

The snuggle pic is adorable.

I must say though, that I am a bit distracted by the redneck hot tub cover ;)

Rachel said...

What a cute baby girl! I wish I could hold her for a bit of snuggle time! I hope you're doing well \(^0^)/
P.S. I also like how your tracker says "visitor from Japan"-that's me!