On April 21, 2012 Issabella turned 2 years old.
Where has the time gone. I always hear people saying that time will fly by. It sure does. For her 2nd birthday she woke up and had three presents waiting for her. A baby stroller, and Rocky and Cece dolls. After a nutritious breakfast of McDonald's, we left for Chicago.
You are two! |
We started our day at the Lincoln Park Zoo. This is a wonderful zoo tucked into the north side of Chicago. A lot of the animals we being super lazy and we did not see a lot of movement from the animals. Issabella enjoyed watching the sea otters and the polar bear.
Daddy and Issabella |
Issabella watching the sea lions. |
Hey look at me. |
Stare down. |
First Carousel ride. |
After our visit to the zoo we went and ate at The Rainforest Cafe. We even were seated at the same table that we sat at on Issabella's first birthday. Issabella was super tired and at one point even layed her head on the table. That all changed when the Rainforest Cafe "mascot" came out to greet people. Issabella did not want Cha Cha anywhere near her and even attempted to crawl her way up Seth. She kept an eye on him until he left the room and she still kept looking over her shoulder.
It's my party and I can sleep if I want to. |
No Cha Cha! |
After lunch we walked up to American Girl and she got to pick out a baby doll. I was not sure if this was really something she needed. They are expensive and I was not sure if she would really play with it. I am so glad we got one. She plays with it everyday and makes us change its clothes.
Look daddy at me baby! |
Love our little family! |
The following day friends and family came over to celebrate Issabella. We planned on having her party outside. Is was around 65 but it was so windy. So we all packed into our home. Anyone who has been here knows we have a small home. It did not matter if we had room to move around as long as the kids had fun. And they sure did. Issabella got some nice toys and some clothes. She had the most fun playing with her friends in the play tent Aunt Jen got her.
I love this picture...blowing her bangs. |
We had a great time and I can't believe our little girl is 2.